When you are in an urgent need of money or you dont want your bank or acquaintances to know of the reason you want the money then personal loans can rescue you from such a situation. Contrary to the other goal specific loans like car loans or home loans, a personal loan serves as a better quick fix for your needs. Unlike regular loans, a personal loan does not require you to give any security or bring and guarantors. Neither does it ask for a long duration of time to be allotted. Also know as an unsecured loan, a personal loan only looks at the amount of salary you earn the company you work at. You can do practically anything on the planet with the money that you get through a personal loan. Home improvement, holiday finance or what so ever your need is, the bank has absolutely no concern about it.

In order to be eligible for a personal loan, you need to fulfill just a couple of requirements and you are good to go. To know all the details about eligibility, interest rates and EMI schemes provided by various banks, you can browse through the internet. There are a number of online portals that provide elaborate information about all that is related to a personal loan. Some of them work privately while there are others that work for various banks and other lending organizations. Before you gather your trust in an online portal for personal loans, you must make sure of the authenticity of the company.

Verifying the facts provided on such a website can be a significant proof of its true to the word information. Also, you can call the agents and meet them in person if that can provide you any kind of assurance. Or you can simply gather the information from the website and directly go to the bank to avail a loan. In this way, you will be sure of the facts related to your chosen personal loan scheme.

One online portal that offers information as well as application facilities for a personal loan is known by the name of CallForLoans. The company provides all the information required to acquire a personal loan from various banks like Kotak Mahindra bank, HDFC bank, Citi bank, Bajaj Finserv lending, Standard Chartered, Fullerton India, Axis bank, etc. Also, it brings to you the whole list of interest rates offered by different banks according to the amount of your salary. Among other facilities that you can avail from the website, there is a personal loan EMI calculator. It helps you to judge how affordable a loan can be for you. If the quote satisfies you, then you can apply for the loan, that too right from this very website.

To know more or apply for a loan, visit